Timely announcements are posted here!
It’s quiet for now…
About the Embellisher’s Guild
Who We Are and What We Do
We are the Embellishers of An Tir. Amongst other things, we do embroidery, needlework, painting, leather decoration, wood carving, burning and painting, bone carving and more. Any citizen of An Tir may join our Guild, and any member of the Guild may challenge the Guild Ranks.
We have a lot of fun at what we do. Come join us, and join the party!
Who Can Join?
Anyone who plays in the SCA in An Tir is welcome to join the Guild.
Guild meetings are open to anyone; member or not. You must be a member of the Guild to participate in guild challenges and rise through the guild ranks.
The Guild Online
The online guild presence has become much more over time. Our wonderful Kingdom has always been very large, and this can make traveling across it difficult for some of us. Therefore, the Guild has (with the inspiration and help of the many wonderful people) moved into utilizing more online functions. The Guild’s Facebook groups have become important in that regard.
Online Activities
Guild Meetings and Classes
Every Monday, online on the Guild’s Facebook page, THL Giana Visconti, Guild Minister, holds a show and tell. Take pictures of what you are working on, what you’ve worked on the past, links to what you are planning on doing. Anything! And bring them to the show and tell because we love that kind of thing!

How to Join Us
Join us on Facebook for meetings and classes!
Come to any Challenges and meetings that happen at events you attend!
What is Embellishment?
The Short Answer
Decoration, on anything, with anything.
The Long Answer
The most commonly thought of forms of embellishment in the SCA seem to be needlework, embroidery, and decoration of garments and linens and home furnishings. However, embellishment can also be done with paints on wood or leather, with stamps and engraving tools on wood, leather and metal, with threads and other items on textiles, and on many other materials in many other media. In fact, embellishment is making just about anything more attractive by decorating it. Of course, we, as a Guild, are focused upon the ways items were embellished during the accepted SCA period of study.